The Dark Legacy of America - Wounded Knee Massacre


The late 19th century was a time of great change in the United States, as the country sought to expand westward and acquire more land. This often meant forcibly removing Native American tribes from their ancestral lands and confining them to reservations. The U.S. government also broke treaties and agreements with Native American tribes, often to exploit resources such as gold and timber on their lands.

The Lakota Sioux, along with other Native American tribes, resisted this encroachment on their lands and way of life. They engaged in armed conflict with the U.S. government and military in several battles, including the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, where Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors defeated General George Custer and his troops.

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE  Recalling Wounded Knee Massacre: The Dark Legacy of America (


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